Mister Mercenary

Clinton, IA

Hip Hop (Rap)


  • Genre: Hip Hop (Rap)
  • Band Members: 1

Mister Mercenary fka DJ Mercenary (Founder/CEO/A&R of "Wasted ENT.") has been doing Hip Hop/Rap/Indie/& Pshycodelic music since October 5th, 2000. From Clinton,IA he continues his success, He has accomplished many mix-tapes & his solo collection known as "Smokers Paradise" 1,2,& 3. Winner of 2 American Marijuana Music Awards in 2009 winning "Best Rap Song" with "Posted On The Corner" & "Best Hemp Song" with "Hand Me The Lighter" and was featured on NORML'S Daily Audio Stash numerous occasions, The Jhon Doe Show, & Time 4 Hemp. Also collabed with many different artist: (T.O., Skeez, Klown Angel, Systamatic, B.C., Lil Seed, D Boy, D Bro, Dave T., Mysterious, Von, Baby Jane, Psycho Joe, Fontane, Franky Fire, Boss Blue, Sleepy Nobody, KILO, Riplak, Face P., Big Work, Wasted ENT., D-Static, Legend) Performances with: (Crime Mob, Brutus, Jon Young, I.O.E., Skeez, T. Stubbz, B.C., Psycho Joe, LiL' Seed, JSN, Mr.6, Franky Fire, T.O, Klown Angel, Systamatic, Von, The Takeover, Da Marko K, Calliko, Sleepy Nobdy, Wasted ENT., KILO, Von, E.F.B., Sleeper Wake Society, Elegance of Rot, Primo, Boss Blue, D-Bro, Blaak Child, Dave T., Mysterious, LKZ, Skarekrow, Legend, Lurch Marley, EZ, JFK, J. Sterling, B Kryptic, C Nunn, Donnie Schofield, V.K., Sleepy Nobody, Bobby J, Yung Saint, E-Mal, C. Preest, Chuck Taylor, Twizt G, Hell Boi, The Cloud Nine, Tyco1, KC, Rodjizzle, P.A.D., RVA, Swag Squad, Phinehas, The Cribbies, Sick Tongue Syndicate, A Past Unknow, Devils Royalty, TwizT, Newkleus, Subtle Intentions, Kombine, Grewsum, R*T*M*G, Bloke C, DMO Davinchi, Izzy Dunfore, Frank Nitty, Da Thug, G-Quatro, V-Row, Lyric, QC Jay, Conduktor Beatz, G4, Riplak, NDK, G Quick, Siren Sireeze, OCS Captain, Phineas, G.I. Jean, Young God, Time )


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Contact Information

Clinton, IA

Email: mistermercenary1@gmail.com

Website: http://reverbnation.com/mistermercenary

Phone: 5632060731